Dr. Harriet Nabudere

Dr. Harriet Nabudere

Dr. Harriet Nabudere



Harriet Nabudere is a public health physician with a focus on knowledge translation for health systems and policy. She is working with the Regional East African Community Health Policy Initiative; a Knowledge Transfer Platform linking Health Researchers and Health Policymakers for evidence-based policy since 2007. She is currently coordinating the Supporting the Use of Research Evidence (SURE) for Policy in African Health Systems Project, at Makerere University, to develop and evaluate knowledge translation strategies for health policy and management. She is the focal Officer for the REACH Uganda Country Office hosted by the Uganda National Health Research Organisation, Entebbe. SURE is an EU-funded five year collaborative project with the Evidence-Informed Policy Network (EVIPNet) in Africa for the development and evaluation of knowledge translation strategies to support decision-making in health for 11 African countries.

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